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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Program Type equal to 'Exchange Semester/Year'), sorted by Program City in ascending order.
Program search results
Program search results
Program Name City  Country Region Save/Share
Aarhus School of Architecture (Exchange) Aarhus Denmark Europe
Aarhus University (Exchange) Aarhus Denmark Europe
New York University (NYU) Accra (Exchange) Accra Ghana Africa
Alfred University (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Alfred United States North America
University of Alicante (Exchange) Alicante Spain Europe
Vrije University (Exchange) Amsterdam Netherlands Europe
University of Amsterdam (Exchange) Amsterdam Netherlands Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Vrije University (Exchange) Amsterdam Netherlands Europe
University of Michigan Ross School of Business (Exchange) Ann Arbor United States North America
KU Leuven (Exchange) Antwerp Belgium Europe
University of Georgia (Exchange) Athens United States North America
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) (Exchange) Athens United States North America
Emory University (Goizueta Business School) (Exchange) Atlanta United States North America
University of Auckland (Exchange) Auckland New Zealand Oceania
University of Texas at Austin (Exchange) Austin United States North America
Maryland Institute College of Art (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Baltimore United States North America
University of Bamberg (Exchange) Bamberg Germany Europe
Chulalongkorn University (Exchange) Bangkok Thailand Asia
Pompeu Fabra University (Exchange) Barcelona Spain Europe
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Exchange) Barcelona Spain Europe
ESADE Business School (Exchange) Barcelona Spain Europe
University of Bath (School of Management) (Exchange) Bath United Kingdom Europe
Louisiana State University (Exchange) Baton Rouge United States North America
Peking University (Guanghua School of Management) (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Peking University (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Sydney Law School Exchange - Renmin University (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Tsinghua University (School of Economics and Management) (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Tsinghua University (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Tsinghua University (PBC School of Finance) (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
Central Academy of Fine Arts (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Beijing China Asia
American University of Beirut (Exchange) Beirut Lebanon Middle East
University of Bergen (Exchange) Bergen Norway Europe
Norwegian School of Economics (Exchange) Bergen Norway Europe
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Berkeley United States North America
Freie University of Berlin (Exchange) Berlin Germany Europe
Humboldt University of Berlin (Exchange) Berlin Germany Europe
Technical University Berlin (Exchange) Berlin Germany Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Humboldt-University Berlin (Exchange) Berlin Germany Europe
New York University (NYU) Berlin (Exchange) Berlin Germany Europe
Universitat der Kunste Berlin (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Berlin-Charlottenburg Germany Europe
Universitat der Kunste Berlin (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Berlin-Charlottenburg Germany Europe
University of Birmingham (Exchange) Birmingham United Kingdom Europe
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Exchange) Bogota Colombia South America
University of Bologna (Exchange) Bologna Italy Europe
Boston University (Business) (Exchange) Boston United States North America
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Boston United States North America
Northeastern University (Exchange) Boston United States North America
Boston College (Exchange) Boston United States North America
University of Colorado at Boulder (College of Music) (Exchange) Boulder United States North America
University of the Arts Bremen (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Bremen Germany Europe
University of Sussex (Exchange) Brighton United Kingdom Europe
University of Bristol (Exchange) Bristol United Kingdom Europe
KU Leuven (Exchange) Brussels Belgium Europe
Corvinus University of Budapest (Exchange) Budapest Hungary Europe
New York University (NYU) Buenos Aires (Exchange) Buenos Aires Argentina South America
Alberta University of the Arts (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Calgary Canada North America
Cardiff University (Exchange) Cardiff United Kingdom Europe
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Exchange) Champaign United States North America
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Exchange) Chapel Hill United States North America
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Exchange) Charlotte United States North America
Sydney Law School Exchange - University of Virginia (Semester 2 Only) (Exchange) Charlottesville United States North America
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Exchange) Ciudad de Mexico Mexico Latin America
Case Western Reserve University (Exchange) Cleveland United States North America
University of Maryland (Exchange) College Park United States North America
Texas A&M University (Exchange) College Station United States North America
University of Cologne (Economics & Business) (Exchange) Cologne Germany Europe
University of Cologne (Exchange) Cologne Germany Europe
University of Copenhagen (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - University of Copenhagen (Exchange) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
The Royal Danish Academy of Music (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
Technical University of Denmark (Exchange) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
University of Miami (Exchange) Coral Gables United States North America
Oregon State University (College of Public Health and Human Sciences) (Exchange) Corvallis United States North America
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Exchange) Daejeon South Korea Asia
Delft University of Technology (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) (Exchange) Delft Netherlands Europe
Delft University of Technology (Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering) (Exchange) Delft Netherlands Europe
University of Birmingham (Exchange) Dubai United Arab Emirates Middle East
University College Dublin (Exchange) Dublin Ireland Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Trinity College Dublin (Exchange) Dublin Ireland Europe
Trinity College Dublin (Exchange) Dublin Ireland Europe
University of Otago (Exchange) Dunedin New Zealand Oceania
Sydney Law School Exchange - Duke University (Exchange) Durham United States North America
Michigan State University (Exchange) East Lansing United States North America
University of Edinburgh (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Edinburgh United Kingdom Europe
University of Alberta (Exchange) Edmonton Canada North America
Royal Holloway University of London (Exchange) Egham United Kingdom Europe
Technical University (TU) Eindhoven (Exchange) Eindhoven Netherlands Europe
Aalto University (Exchange) Espoo Finland Europe
University of Exeter (Exchange) Exeter United Kingdom Europe
University of Florence (Exchange) Florence Italy Europe
New York University (NYU) Florence (Exchange) Florence Italy Europe
Goethe University Frankfurt (Exchange) Frankfurt Germany Europe
Copenhagen Business School (Exchange) Frederiksberg Denmark Europe
Hochschule fur Musik - Freiburg (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Freiburg Germany Europe
University of Freiburg (Exchange) Freiburg Germany Europe
University of Florida (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) (Exchange) Gainesville United States North America
University of Geneva (Exchange) Geneva Switzerland Europe
University of Glasgow (Exchange) Glasgow United Kingdom Europe
Glasgow School of Art (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Glasgow United Kingdom Europe
University of Gothenburg, Academy of Music and Drama (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Gothenburg Sweden Europe
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Exchange) Graz Austria Europe
University of Grenoble Alpes (Exchange) Grenoble France Europe
Grenoble Ecole de Management (Exchange) Grenoble France Europe
Groningen University (Exchange) Groningen Netherlands Europe
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Exchange) Guadalajara Mexico Latin America
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Halifax Canada North America
Sydney Law School Exchange - Bucerius Law School (Semester 2 Only) (Exchange) Hamburg Germany Europe
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) (Exchange) Hamburg Germany Europe
McMaster University (Exchange) Hamilton Canada North America
Zhejiang University (Exchange) Hangzhou China Asia
University of Science and Technology of China (Exchange) Hefei China Asia
Heidelberg University (Exchange) Heidelberg Germany Europe
University of Helsinki (Exchange) Helsinki Finland Europe
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Exchange) Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Asia
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST School of Business and Management) (Exchange) Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Asia
University of Hong Kong (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Asia
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Exchange) Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR Asia
Rice University (Exchange) Houston United States North America
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Irvine United States North America
Bogazici University (Exchange) Istanbul Turkey Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Cornell University (Exchange) Ithaca United States North America
Cornell University (Exchange) Ithaca United States North America
University of Indonesia (Exchange) Jakarta Indonesia Asia
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Exchange) Jerusalem Israel Gulf & Africa
Sydney Law School Exchange - Queen's University (Exchange) Kingston Canada North America
Queen's University (Faculty of Arts and Sciences) (Exchange) Kingston Canada North America
Queen's University (Smith School of Business) (Exchange) Kingston Canada North America
Sydney Law School Exchange - Kobe University (Exchange) Kobe Japan Asia
University of Konstanz (Exchange) Konstanz Germany Europe
University of Malaya (Exchange) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Asia
Doshisha University (Exchange) Kyoto Japan Asia
Kyoto University (Exchange) Kyoto Japan Asia
Ritsumeikan University (Exchange) Kyoto Japan Asia
University of La Rochelle (Exchange) La Rochelle France Europe
University of Lausanne (Exchange) Lausanne Switzerland Europe
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Exchange) Lausanne Switzerland Europe
University of Leeds (Exchange) Leeds United Kingdom Europe
Leiden University (Exchange) Leiden Netherlands Europe
LUCA School of Arts (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Leuven Belgium Europe
KU Leuven (Exchange) Leuven Belgium Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - KU Leuven (Exchange) Leuven Belgium Europe
EDHEC Business School (Exchange) Lille France Europe
Nova School of Business and Economics (Economics & Business) (Exchange) Lisbon Portugal Europe
University of Liverpool (Exchange) Liverpool United Kingdom Europe
University College London (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
City University London (Bayes Business School) (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
Queen Mary University of London (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
Imperial College London (Mechanical Engineering) (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
Royal Academy of Music (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
Royal College of Music London (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
Western University (Ivey Business School) (Exchange) London Canada North America
Western University (Exchange) London Canada North America
Imperial College London (Chemical Engineering) (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
King's College London (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
New York University (NYU) London (Exchange) London United Kingdom Europe
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Los Angeles United States North America
University of Southern California (Marshall Business School) (Exchange) Los Angeles United States North America
UC Louvain, Louvain School of Management (Exchange) Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Europe
Lund University (Economics & Business) (Exchange) Lund Sweden Europe
Lund University (Exchange) Lund Sweden Europe
Lund University (Architecture) (ENG-ARC) (Exchange) Lund Sweden Europe
Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University (Exchange) Lyon France Europe
Lumiere University Lyon 2 (Exchange) Lyon France Europe
Maastricht University (University College Maastricht (UCM)) (Exchange) Maastricht Netherlands Europe
Maastricht University (Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences) (Exchange) Maastricht Netherlands Europe
Maastricht University (School of Business and Economics (SBE)) (Exchange) Maastricht Netherlands Europe
Maastricht University (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS)) (Exchange) Maastricht Netherlands Europe
Maastricht University (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN)) (Exchange) Maastricht Netherlands Europe
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Exchange) Madison United States North America
Comillas Pontificia University (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) (Exchange) Madrid Spain Europe
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Exchange) Madrid Spain Europe
Carlos III University of Madrid (Exchange) Madrid Spain Europe
New York University (NYU) Madrid (Exchange) Madrid Spain Europe
Malmo University (Exchange) Malmo Sweden Europe
Royal Northern College of Music (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Manchester United Kingdom Europe
University of Manchester (Exchange) Manchester United Kingdom Europe
Kansas State University (Exchange) Manhattan United States North America
University of Mannheim (Exchange) Mannheim Germany Europe
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Merced United States North America
Politecnico di Milano (Architecture) (Exchange) Milano Italy Europe
Politecnico di Milano (Design) (Exchange) Milano Italy Europe
Bocconi University (Exchange) Milano Italy Europe
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Exchange) Milano Italy Europe
Politecnico di Milano (Engineering) (Exchange) Milano Italy Europe
University of Minnesota (Exchange) Minneapolis United States North America
University of Toronto (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Mississauga Canada North America
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Exchange) Monterrey Mexico Latin America
University of Montreal (Exchange) Montreal Canada North America
McGill University (Exchange) Montreal Canada North America
HEC Montreal Business School (Exchange) Montreal Canada North America
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (Exchange) Munich Germany Europe
Technical University of Munich (Exchange) Munich Germany Europe
Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (Economics & Business) (Exchange) Munich Germany Europe
University of Muenster (Exchange) Munster Germany Europe
Academy of Fine Arts Munster (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Munster Germany Europe
Nagoya University (Exchange) Nagoya Japan Asia
Mahidol University (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Nakhon Pathom Thailand Asia
Nanjing University (Exchange) Nanjing China Asia
Manhattan School of Music (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) New York City United States North America
The New School (Parsons) (Exchange) New York City United States North America
New York University (NYU) New York (Exchange) New York City United States North America
Newcastle University (Exchange) Newcastle United Kingdom Europe
EDHEC Business School (Exchange) Nice France Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Exchange) Nijmegen Netherlands Europe
Radboud University (Exchange) Nijmegen Netherlands Europe
University of Nottingham Ningbo (Exchange) Ningbo China Asia
Kwansei Gakuin University (Exchange) Nishinomiya Japan Asia
University of East Anglia (Exchange) Norwich United Kingdom Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - University of Nottingham (Semester 2 Only) (Exchange) Nottingham United Kingdom Europe
University of Nottingham (UK) (Exchange) Nottingham United Kingdom Europe
University of Oslo (Exchange) Oslo Norway Europe
University of Ottawa (Exchange) Ottawa Canada North America
University of Ottawa (Telfer School of Management) (Exchange) Ottawa Canada North America
University of Padova (Exchange) Padova Italy Europe
University of Navarra (Exchange) Pamplona Spain Europe
ENSA Paris Belleville (Exchange) Paris France Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Sciences Po (Exchange) Paris France Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (Exchange) Paris France Europe
HEC Paris (Exchange) Paris France Europe
Sorbonne University (Exchange) Paris France Europe
Université Paris Cité (UP Cité) (Exchange) Paris France Europe
Sciences Po (Exchange) Paris France Europe
New York University (NYU) Paris (Exchange) Paris France Europe
University of Pavia (Exchange) Pavia Italy Europe
University of Pennsylvania (Exchange) Philadelphia United States North America
Drexel University (Exchange) Philadelphia United States North America
New York University (NYU) Prague (Exchange) Prague Czech Republic Europe
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Exchange) Queretaro Mexico Latin America
Sciences Po (Exchange) Reims France Europe
Rennes 2 University (Exchange) Rennes France Europe
Reykjavik University (Exchange) Reykjavik Iceland Europe
University of Richmond (Exchange) Richmond United States North America
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Riverside United States North America
University of Rochester (Exchange) Rochester United States North America
Sapienza University of Rome (Exchange) Rome Italy Europe
Erasmus University (School of Social Sciences) (Exchange) Rotterdam Netherlands Europe
Erasmus University (School of Philosophy) (Exchange) Rotterdam Netherlands Europe
Erasmus University (School of History, Culture and Communication) (Exchange) Rotterdam Netherlands Europe
Erasmus University (Rotterdam School of Management) (Exchange) Rotterdam Netherlands Europe
Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Rotterdam Netherlands Europe
University of St Gallen (Exchange) Saint Gallen Switzerland Europe
University of Toronto (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Saint George Canada North America
Ecole Superieure Art and Design Saint Etienne (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Saint-Etienne France Europe
University of Utah (Exchange) Salt Lake City United States North America
University of California (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) San Diego United States North America
Santa Barbara United States North America
Santa Cruz United States North America
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Exchange) Santa Fe Mexico Latin America
PUC Chile (UC Chile) Santiago Chile Latin America
University of Chile (Exchange) Santiago Chile Latin America
University of Santiago de Compostela (Exchange) Santiago de Compostela Spain Europe
Hokkaido University (Exchange) Sapporo Japan Asia
University of Toronto (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Scarborough Canada North America
University of Washington (Foster Business School) (Exchange) Seattle United States North America
University of Washington (Exchange) Seattle United States North America
IE University (Exchange) Segovia Spain Europe
Tohoku University (Exchange) Sendai Japan Asia
Korea University (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
Seoul National University (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
Sookmyung Women's University (Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
Yonsei University (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
University of Seville (Exchange) Sevilla Spain Europe
Fudan University (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
Sydney Law School Exchange - East China University of Politics (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
Shanghai Conservatory of Music (Sydney Conservatorium of Music) (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Antai College of Economics and Management) (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
University of Sheffield (Exchange) Sheffield United Kingdom Europe
National University of Singapore (Super Exchange Partner) (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
Sydney Law School Exchange - National University of Singapore (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
Singapore Management University (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
Nanyang Technological University (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
The University of Notre Dame (Exchange) South Bend United States North America
University of Southampton (Exchange) Southampton United Kingdom Europe
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Aero-Mech Engineering) (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Chemical Engineering) (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
Stockholm School of Economics (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
Karolinska Institutet (Science) (SCI) (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Architecture) (Exchange) Stockholm Sweden Europe
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'architecture de Strasbourg (Exchange) Strasbourg France Europe
University of Stuttgart (Exchange) Stuttgart Germany Europe
University of Surrey (Exchange) Surrey United Kingdom Europe
New York University (NYU) Sydney Local Exchange (Exchange) Sydney Australia Oceania
National Taiwan University (Exchange) Taipei Taiwan Asia
Tel Aviv University (Exchange) Tel Aviv Israel Middle East
New York University (NYU) Tel Aviv (Exchange) Tel Aviv Israel Middle East
Aoyama Gakuin University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
University of Tokyo (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Waseda University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Rikkyo University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Hosei University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Keio University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Sophia University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Tokyo University of the Arts (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
University of Turin (Exchange) Torino Italy Europe
INP Toulouse (Electrical Engineering) (Exchange) Toulouse France Europe
INP Toulouse (Exchange) Toulouse France Europe
University of Tours (Exchange) Tours France Europe
Umea University (Exchange) Umea Sweden Europe
Uppsala University (Exchange) Uppsala Sweden Europe
Utrecht University (Exchange) Utrecht Netherlands Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - Utrecht University (Exchange) Utrecht Netherlands Europe
University of Valladolid (Exchange) Valladolid Spain Europe
University of British Columbia (Exchange) Vancouver Canada North America
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Exchange) Venice Italy Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - University of Victoria (Exchange) Victoria Canada North America
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (College of the Arts) (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
Sydney Law School Exchange - University of Vienna (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
University of Vienna (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
Wageningen University (Exchange) Wageningen Netherlands Europe
Georgetown University (Exchange) Washington DC United States North America
The George Washington University (Exchange) Washington DC United States North America
The George Washington University (Elliott School of International Affairs) (Exchange) Washington DC United States North America
New York University (NYU) Washington, DC (Exchange) Washington DC United States North America
Purdue University (Exchange) West Lafayette United States North America
University of York (Exchange) York United Kingdom Europe
University of Zurich (Exchange) Zurich Switzerland Europe
ETH Zurich (Exchange) Zurich Switzerland Europe